In this section

Benefits of employing reservists

Australian Defence Force (ADF) reservists are highly trained personnel who bring self-discipline, focus, leadership, and world-class training to any workplace or role. Reservists develop skills and experience through formal Defence courses, ongoing training, and on the job as they put their skills into practice. All reservists are trained to: be highly effective communicators display initiative be self-motivated and goal-oriented manage time and resources effectively be self-disciplined and self-reliant operate effectively in a team manage confidently be leaders Reservists may also receive nationally recognised qualifications as part of their training. Available training includes (but is not limited to) qualifications in: advanced communications using computer, radio and satellite technology project management contract management performance management workplace health and safety first aid driving and operating vehicles and heavy machinery

Supportive Employer Program

The new Supportive Employer Program recognises those employers and businesses that go above and beyond to support their Australian Defence Force reservist employees and their role in serving Defence’s mission in advancing Australia’s national interests. Organisations and employers can apply to join the program by completing and submitting an application form (see below for details). The program is open to organisations of all shapes and sizes and you do not have to currently employ ADF reservists to be a part of the program. Public Sector applications will be considered at departmental level and private sector at organisational level. Once an application is received, our team will assess your application and determine which level of the program your organisation best meets; bronze, silver or gold. We will be in contact to advise you of this and explain your responsibilities as an employer of reservists and the ongoing support Defence can provide. As a supportive employer, you will receive a certificate that recognises your organisation as a supportive employer of ADF Reserves and a merchandise pack will be sent to the business address you provided in your application! You’ll also be provided with the Supportive Employer logo to display on your organisation’s website and in the workplace to demonstrate your corporate responsibility through your support of the ADF. Employers will also be recognised through the Supportive Employer Program Directory. The directory displays the logo of organisations in the program as confirmation of Defences endorsement of their business as a supportive employer of reservists. Reservists benefit when their employer becomes a Supportive Employer by having a publicly-recognised understanding and supportive employer, with additional opportunities for engagement and support for their employer as well as the opportunity for invitations to ADF Reserves and Employer Support events where possible. Also, reservists who are looking for new employment can use the directory as a tool to find workplaces which are supportive of ADF Reservist Service. We encourage reservists to work with their civilian employers to sign up to the program! Read our Frequently asked Questions to learn more about the program and contact us if you have any further questions.

Employer Support Payment Scheme

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.   The Employer Support Payment Scheme (ESPS) provides financial assistance to employers of Reserve members and self-employed Reserve members, when the Reserve member is away from their civilian workplace on eligible periods of continuous defence service. For applicants that employ members in full-time work (38 hours/week), ESPS support payments are paid the average weekly wage: The FY 2023-24 average weekly wage is $1,807.70. The FY 2024-25 average weekly wage is $1,888.80. For eligible applicants that employ members in part-time work, including regular casual work, ESPS support payments are made at a pro-rata rate Casual work is not eligible for the Scheme. For applicants that employ medical, dental, nursing or allied health officers: The Chief of Defence Force ESPS (Health) Approval 2023 modifies some of the standard eligibility requirements of the legislative instrument and provides for higher level ESPS support payments for eligible applicants. For more information about this, please click here. Higher level ESPS support payment rates are: For FY 2023-24, please click here For FY 2024-25, please click here   ESPS support payments are made to an applicant for the benefit of an applicant and there is no restriction on how an applicant might use the payment. Members are responsible for ensuring their civilian employers are aware of the Scheme. Submit Application Find Out More Brochure | The Employer Support Payment Scheme

Reserve service protection

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.   The Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 protects reservists undertaking various forms of Defence service.  The Act makes it an offence for an employer to discriminate against, disadvantage, hinder, prevent or dismiss an employee or prospective employee for rendering Defence service (including training). The Act also includes employment, partnership, education, financial liability and bankruptcy protection for reservists in relation to their rendering of Defence service. Civil penalties may also apply for contraventions of the Act. The facilitation of the Act is overseen by the Employer Support and Service Protection team, being part of ADF Reserves and Employer Support within Joint Support Services Division

Leave arrangements

Under the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001, employers must release reservists when they are required to undertake periods of ADF service including military training. When a reservist employee is released for required training, deployment or any other appointment associated with Defence service, they must not be forced to take any form of paid or unpaid leave. The amount of leave a reservist may need to apply for when required to undertake reserve service will vary. Leave for Defence service can include: initial recruit training initial employment training annual exercises / camps specialist courses deployment for service general Reserve service Employers are not required to pay a reservist’s salary while they’re rendering Defence service. However, employers are encouraged to develop a supportive Reserve leave policy. Brochure | Responsibilities and Protections For further information you can get in touch via the Contact us page

Get the reservist experience

ADF immersion activities are designed to enhance support for the Reserves by giving employers and senior staff a hands-on experience of what Reserves do. ADF immersions are usually held in conjunction with a Navy, Army or Air Force exercise which afford the participants the opportunity to see how Reserves contribute to the ADF, an insight into Reserve service and the skills reservists bring to their civilian workforce. A typical program is informative and adventurous, all set in a challenging yet safe and controlled environment and run from half day, to two days in duration (and over weekends). It combines a range of activities that might include some of the following: leadership, confidence and initiative tests team-building exercises navigation theory and practice bush-craft communications quick decision exercises visits to technical training facilities visits to Defence bases ADF immersions are stimulating and geared towards developing personal skill rather than physical exertion. Average fitness levels are sufficient to participate in the activities. Reservists are responsible for making sure their civilian employers are aware of these activities and in some instances are encouraged to nominate their employer to attend.

Awards and recognition

The Employer Support Awards are designed to formally recognise civilian employers committed to supporting reservists in their workplace. They acknowledge employers that have gone above and beyond for their reservist employees, over a sustained period or for a special effort to enable the member to complete their Reserve commitments.

Find a Supportive Employer

As a reservist, finding a civilian employer that is supportive of you rendering Reserve Service is important. The following list of organisations are active Supportive Employers who support the ADF mission and the role that ADF reservists play in advancing Australia’s National Interest. Supportive Employer information Apply to be a Supportive Employer  The Supportive Employer Program categorises organisations into three tiers to demonstrate their level of support: Membership Tiers Gold (Advocate): Requirements The employer has achieved Silver membership, and not only demonstrates, but also positively advocates for their Reserve members through a current Defence/ADF leave policy that may include more generous leave provisions (e.g. additional paid leave may be provided). The employer demonstrates recognition and utilisation of the skills, knowledge and experiences that reservists can bring to their organisation. The employer proactively advocates and demonstrates that their recruitment and selection process considers reservists and ADF veterans equitably. The employer actively ensure that their workforce is aware of their positive policies supporting ADF Reserve service. The employer must have met their reserve service protection obligations for a period of 2 years prior to applying for the program. Silver (Demonstrate): Requirements The employer has achieved Bronze membership and has a current Defence Leave Policy (DLP) that is compliant with the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001. The employer must have met their reserve service protection obligations for a period of 2 years prior to applying for the program. Bronze (Declare): Requirements The employer is a signatory to the Supportive Employer Program. The employer must have met their reserve service protection obligations under the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001 for a period of 12 months prior to applying for the program.  

Employer Support Payment Scheme

Online Claims System